Saturday, March 04, 2006

In this series, get to know of my friends. I have tried to give a really complete picture abt them, but if i have missed out on anything please feel free to add them as comments.
My first post is going to be on my closest mate Gowri Shankar a.k.a. pandu, mokkai, direction(oops this list will be longer than this post). G.S is Hagrid like in appearance and can intimidate anyone in their first meeting but he really is meek and friendly. I say this cos once in second sem, when i threw him my answer paper for cross validation, he started trembling in the exam hall.
I have spent a lot of time with him trying to tide over the never ending series of exams. The night before the tests, we have spent more time in local tea stalls gulping tea than with our books.
On two wheels and a 100 cc engine I bet no one can beat him. This guy blazes the roads and gives his pillion riders a fright. However he has got an inherent problem with comprehending directions(He is still wondering why West Bengal is in East India). He has sent many first timers in our campus who seek directions, into a maze.
His cup of coffee ( he is a self confessed caffeine addict) includes engineering, laboratory and girls. He has a bad sense of humour and is exceptionally talented at cracking silly jokes. But he argues that girls like only that kind of jokes. We have never discouraged him on this part and have even laughed hard enough on his jokes to cause our tummies to squirm.
He can spend hours on the phone droning with girls, often allowing me to doze off during our so called exam preps. When there is a gathering of four or more, someone invariably starts bullying him and he ends up being the arse. However he always seems to enjoy it. He is a completely different person, when he deals with his little brother. He completely bosses over him on the pretext of teaching him maths.
He prefers tamil movies over english ones. He is crazy about Ajith and Jyothika , the most rotund filmstars. Currently he is learing japanese and is into PS2 gaming ( non racing games).
His Crushes: 1. A girl from G.I. He had allegedly proposed her and this became common knowledge during a stupid birthday party celebration.
2. One of our classmates. Too obvious to give the name and I also hate defamation suits.
3. A girl he met recently in a wedding ceremony. He had soiled his shirt in an attempt to grab the video of that marriage. Now his desktop is full of snapshots from the wedding.
Now on a serious vein, he is a great guy to be with, helpful and a hardworker. Frankly he deserves a longer list than the one above. He has got a great family. A really understanding mom(she even knows abt the GI girl) and a cool dad. I owe him a lot more than the previous movie ticket and the lost John Grisham's 'Partner'.

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