This has been a whirlwind of a trimester here.
Saying that in a nutshell aint possible n de usual lengthy dissertations have already received enough flak.
So for now let me just detail about my learnings in the third trimester in my college IIFT, Kolkata.
Consumer Behavior :At the end of the day, the consumer is a big black box and very unpredicatable.
Operations Management :Learning Quality (L) and using Quality (U) are two individual events with the conditional probability P(U/L) = zero
Soft Skills for Entrepreneurs :Every test including MBTI says I am mad but will be able to convince others too to follow my mad idea. Typical traits of an entrepreneur. Yipeeee
Business strategy :Corporate and business strategy are based on the premise that people will work.
Working capital management :Extend credit from suppliers forever and never give credit to buyers. (ha ha airtel)
International Finance :Forex markets offer the best returns but they are not open to individuals. Why teach us and tease us??
Information technology management :Secrets to success include cut the crap, never use acronyms to show off, share a secretary and work form home.
International Trade operations :There is so much disparity in prices around the world not withstanding 25 trillion $ global trade.
Advanced research methods :"I will give an instant A to anyone who solves this" means the faculty is kidding or the question doesn't have a solution.
Macro economics :Sounds very far fetched to write on India's fiscal deficit and inflation when you cannot afoord stationery and snacks.